nabídky práce v lokalitě Pacov
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Job Post Details
Czech Customer Support for Financial Services - Relocation to Greece - job post
Úplný popis pracovní pozice:
Do you have excellent communication skills in Czech? Are you an avid fintech enthusiast? Support customers for financial, banking and money transfer services.
Do you follow all the latest developments in banking and online payment solutions? Grab the opportunity and join our Customer Care team in Greece!
We collaborate with some of the world's top companies offering money transfer & financial services, cloud-based banking services, digital payments fintech pioneers, that trust our people for delivering exceptional customer experience!
If you share our values of collaboration, transparency, integrity and agility, come join forces with a high-performing, customer-oriented team with a vision to change the way businesses pay and get paid.
What you will do:
- Be the primary point of contact for customer and client requests
- Utilize phone calls, e-mails and chats in order to provide a seamless customer experience
- Provide daily support and consult clients on best practices about their business
- Respond to customer inquiries about our client’s new and existing services and solutions, as well as complaints - always in a professional manner
- Resolve issues as they arise - timely and efficiently
- Strive for excellence in every interaction, aiming for increased product usage and customer loyalty
- Be committed to meeting both personal goals and team targets
What you will bring:
- Fluency in Czech
- Very good use of English – both in written and spoken language
- Work experience in a customer support role is a plus
- An interest in digital banking and payment solutions is desired
- Exceptional communication & soft skills, as well as a problem-solving mentality
- Tech savviness & learning agility
- A genuine sense of ownership along with an unbreakable team spirit
- Flexibility in adapting to a fast-paced environment
What we offer
- Complete support to help you ease your relocation to Greece (we cover your flight tickets expenses, hotel accommodation, support with the house searching process (-all at no cost to you-))
- Competitive monthly salary + 2 extra salaries per year
- Refer-A-Friend: Bring your friends and receive great bonuses!
- Health care benefits and numerous other discounts
- Full training by certified instructors
- Professional growth & development opportunities
- Special events as well as community & social responsibility initiatives
- Free online Greek language courses
- State of the art premises, providing a great working environment with relaxing break areas
- Work for a Great Place to Work-Certified Company that fosters diversity
Moreover, this is a great opportunity to advance your career and work for a multinational company, by developing strong experience and skills, while representing one of the biggest brands worldwide. In addition, you will be a member of a company that fosters diversity, offering equal opportunities to all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, culture or age.
Thinking about relocating and wondering about cost of living in Greece? Get an idea here:
Greece has enviable history and culture, climate and cuisine – and yet, the cost of living is among the lowest in Europe, according to Greek authorities and the EURES network. No wonder Greece is a popular destination for tourists and expats alike.
Find out more
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