Pracovní místa home office
Řadit dle: Relevance - Data zveřejnění
2 000+ nabídek práce
- 3PillarHome Office·
- Imagine a flexible work environment – whether it's the office, your home, or a blend of both.
- Embark on an exciting journey into the realm of software…
- SupportYourAppOlomoucObvykle odpovídá do 1 dne·
- Join our team as a Customer Support Consultant today and thrive in a multicultural and multilingual environment while enjoying your home office.
- GymBeamČesko·
- Prague - Karlín, Czech Republic (job with occasional home office).
- Freelance contract / Monthly salary 55 000 CZK - 65 000 CZK.
- What will your day look like?
- ContineroHome Office·
- Nabízíme kancelář v Brně (ImpactHub) nebo plný home office (remote).
- Chceš se podílet na vývoji aplikace, která má zlepšit možnost evidence pacientů, klinických…
- 3PillarHome Office·
- Imagine a flexible work environment – whether it's the office, your home, or a blend of both.
- Embark on a pivotal journey to the forefront of technical support…
- LiftagoČesko·
- Flexibilní pracovní dobu a možnost home office.
- Pokud níže popisujeme tvé známé, za úspěšné doporučení můžeš získat 10.000 Kč v kreditech na služby Liftago …
- Tereza HovorkováPraha·
- Home office cca z 50%.
- Chceš mít zajímavou kariéru, ale zatím jsi nenarazil/a na tu správnou příležitost?
- Láká tě tvořit něco svého nebo být pánem svého času?
- OracleČesko·
- Time flexibility – no core hours when you have to be in the office.
- The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is growing at a significant rate – doubling in…
- BeeMedia, s.r.o.Praha·
- Co bude Vaší pracovní náplní?*.
- Aktivní účast na výsledcích statutárního a IFRS reportingu společnosti .
- Zajištění, že potřebná dokumentace pro účtování je…
- 3PillarHome Office·
- Imagine a flexible work environment – whether it's the office, your home, or a blend of both.
- 3Pillar warmly extends an invitation for you to join an elite team…
- Designeo CreativeHome Office·
- Flexibilní pracovní dobu s možností home office (dle dohody).
- Hledáme zkušeného analytika/konzultanta pro návrh moderních webových aplikací pro naše klienty.
- Vendula HélováBrno·
- Pracovní doba dle dohody, min. 10h/týdně s možností pracovat i o víkendech, nebo částečně home office.
- Nebaví vás klasická práce od do a chcete práci, ve které…
- Foxelli GroupHome Office·
- A budget for your home office setup so you’re comfortable working how you like and where you like.
- At Foxelli Group, we're not just leading the digital…
- EPOS spol. s r.o.Zlín·
- Možnost až 30 dnů dovolené, sick days, home office.
- Jste připraveni posouvat věci dál, řídit tým a neustále hledat nové obchodní příležitosti?
- Albert Česká republika, s.r.o.Olomouc·
- Po zaškolení možnost občasné práce na home office.
- V Albertu jsme hrdí na svoji práci, protože naším cílem je pomáhat Čechům jíst a žít lépe.
- Zobrazit všechny nabídky práce: Albert Česká republika, s.r.o. - Nabídky práce: Olomouc
- Hledání platů: Platy na pozici Replenishment Specialist
- Podívejte se na časté otázky a odpovědi ohledně společnosti Albert Česká republika, s.r.o.
Job Post Details
Senior Data Engineer - AWS
Než přejdete na webové stránky společnosti, vytvořte si účet Indeed.
Popis pracovní pozice
Druh nabídky práce
- Plný úvazek
Home Office
Úplný popis pracovní pozice:
Greetings, future tech savant:
Embark on an exciting journey into the realm of software development with 3Pillar! We extend an invitation for you to join our team and gear up for a thrilling adventure. At 3Pillar, our focus is on crafting cutting-edge technologies that revolutionize industries. As a Software Engineer, you'll play a vital role in our dynamic team, contributing to exciting projects that redefine urban living, establish new media channels for enterprise companies, or drive innovation in healthcare. This opportunity goes beyond code – it's about creating epic solutions that leave a lasting impression in the market. If your passion for programming fuels your drive to make a real-world impact, consider this your pass to the captivating world of Product Development!
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Data Engineer to join our team and play a pivotal role in building and maintaining robust data ingestion pipelines. The ideal candidate will have a strong foundation in data engineering principles, AWS technologies, and Python programming.
- Develop, Maintain and Enhance ETL Pipelines
- Craft client code that is not just efficient, but also performant, testable, scalable, secure, and of the highest quality.
- Provide accurate status tracking, reporting, and estimation using project methods and tools.
- Gather requirements, validate their understanding amongst the team, create and maintain relevant documentation.
- Execute activities within current methodology and upholding the highest quality standards.
- Foster collaboration with fellow engineers, designers, and managers to comprehend user pain points and iterate on solutions that drive client success.
- Take ownership of projects, from technical design to a successful launch.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in data engineering or a related field.
- Strong proficiency in Python programming language.
- Deep understanding of AWS services, including Kinesis, S3, Athena, Redshift, DynamoDB, and Lambda.
- Experience with data ingestion pipelines, ETL processes, and data warehousing concepts.
- Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL databases.
- Experience with data modeling and schema design.
- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Experience with data security and privacy best practices.
What is it like working for 3Pillar Global?
At 3Pillar, we offer a world of opportunity:
Imagine a flexible work environment – whether it's the office, your home, or a blend of both. From interviews to onboarding, we embody a remote-first approach.
You will be part of a global team, learning from top talent around the world and across cultures, speaking English everyday. Our global workforce enables our team to leverage global resources to accomplish our work in efficient and effective teams.
We’re big on your well-being – as a company, we spend a whole trimester in our annual cycle focused on wellbeing. Whether it is taking advantage of fitness offerings, mental health plans (country-dependent), or simply leveraging generous time off, we want all of our team members operating at their best.
Our professional services model enables us to accelerate career growth and development opportunities - across projects, offerings, and industries.
We are an equal opportunity employer. It goes without saying that we live by values like Intrinsic Dignity and Open Collaboration to create cutting-edge technology AND reinforce our commitment to diversity - globally and locally. Join us and be a part of a global tech community! Check out our Linkedin site and Careers page to learn more about what it’s like to be part of our #oneteam!
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