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Job Post Details

HPC LUMI Support specialist - job post

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Popis pracovní pozice

Zde se dozvíte, jak se podrobnosti nabídky práce shodují s vaším profilem.

Druh nabídky práce

  • Plný úvazek



Úplný popis pracovní pozice:

IT4Innovations národní superpočítačové centrum Provozujeme superpočítače Anselm, Salomon, DGX-2, Barbora a instalujeme další. Spravujeme cca 1 400 fyzických serverů a více než 250 virtuálních serverů, přičemž 96% běží na LINUX. Používáme široké portfolio moderních pracovních nástrojů - Puppet, Git, Grafana, Elasticsearch apod. Při práci „mluvíme“ jazyky Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, C#, Go, Bash, Tcl, Lua. Více na www.it4i.cz .

  • Medior
  • Specialista DevOps
  • Podpora
  • HPP
  • Homeoffice
  • Plný úvazek
Navrhni si mzdu
  • IT4Innovations
  • Ostrava-Poruba

Popis pozice

IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center provides Czech and foreign research teams, from both academia and industry, with state-of-the-art HPC and data analysis technologies and services. IT4Innovations currently operates four supercomputers and acts as a research centre with strong international links (www.it4i.cz). IT4Innovations is a member of the LUMI consortium led by CSC – IT Center for Science.

IT4Innovations is offering an exciting position where you will be a part of the international user support team of the EuroHPC LUMI supercomputer, which will be available for users in 2021. Please see www.lumi-supercomputer.eu for more information about LUMI.

HPC LUMI Support specialist

The support person will be a part of a distributed servicedesk team (from the nine consortium countries) that handles the support requests from the LUMI users. In addition, the user support team maintains and develops LUMI's scientific software portfolio, delivers user training and prepares user documentation. The support team is backed up by their local organizations and the whole consortium. In the LUMI user support team you will be at the forefront of the European supercomputing!

We are looking for an expert with a strong interest in supercomputing and who enjoys solving users' problems and developing a modern HPC environment. We value the following skills and capabilities.

Job description:

  • maintain and develop LUMI's scientific software portfolio,
  • deliver user training,
  • prepare user documentation,
  • provide support and cooperation in HPC area


  • knowledge of at least one HPC language (Fortran, C, C++) and parallel programming,
  • solid Linux skills,
  • practical experience in using modern supercomputer systems,
  • background in science and/or in supporting scientists,
  • experience in end-user training,
  • leading projects and/or teams.

Zkušenosti Co požadujeme

  • Úroveň:
  • Praxe:
    1 rok
  • Vzdělání:


Specialista DevOps Podpora


Česky – domluvit se Anglicky – domluvit se

Práce u nás Co nabízíme

Jaké jsou benefity


  • payment based on the candidate's experiences, minimum wage 40,000 CZK,
  • main employment,
  • interesting work in a young research team,
  • opportunity to participate in implementing interesting research and commercial projects,
  • 6 weeks of holidays,
  • flexible working hours,
  • in-house catering,
  • modern working environment.

Commencement of Employment: 1. 10. 2020 or as agreed.

Type of Employment:

  • full-time employment,
  • fixed-term employment.

The application form substantiated with a letter of motivation and CV should be sent electronically by 20 September, 2020 to email address petra.brozova@vsb.cz. As for the subject of the email message, please indicate “Open Call for the position HPC LUMI Support specialist”.

Informace o pozici

Typ odměny

Vzdálená práce

Pracovní prostředí

Typ práce nebo projektu
Moderní technologie Inovační projekty Transformační projekty

Typ smlouvy
Interní pozice (HPP a další)

Typ pracovního úvazku
Plný úvazek

Typ firmy

Místo pracoviště
Odpovědět a navrhnout mzdu


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