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Pracovní místa rohlik group

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Job Post Details

Financial controller

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Úplný popis pracovní pozice:

This role will require you to take charge of the month end close process and work with colleagues from across finance to complete the close accurately and on time. You will also be responsible for closely monitoring cash flow and understanding cash spend. You will support the wider finance team in achieving excellent compliance with group policies and the operation of financial controls.

Co budete dělat/ Your responsibilities

Support the Group Financial Reporting Manager with month end close and support the business in compliance with group finance policies and controls. Influence process improvements to ensure our processes are robust and appropriate for the business as it grows.
Key areas of responsibility for the position
  • Month end closing procedures
  • Monthly accruals preparation and review
  • Financial and finance systems controls
  • IFRS 16 agenda for the Group
  • Bank and parental guarantees agenda for the Group
  • Support the local and group audit
  • Support the preparation of the financial statements for Czech non-commercial entities
  • Support the preparation of consolidated financial statements
Tasks performed by this role include:
  • Month end close and consolidation
  • Support the Shared Services Team
  • Own the process for intercompany recharge of head office costs
  • Finance Systems support

Co máte za sebou/ Your experience

  • Your work will have a direct impact on the company's results.
  • We will implement your good ideas almost immediately – not waiting for the approval of the headquarters somewhere in the world.
  • You will not be bound by corporate processes.
  • Your work has to be innovative and meaningful, we do not want to follow trends, but set them.
  • Last but not least, we mainly offer a fair reward and the possibility of professional growth and education, also a great bunch of people around and a legendary company events.

O Rohlíku

Rohlík je evropská jednička v online prodeji potravin.
Naše skvělé služby už znají zákazníci v ČR, Maďarsku, Rakousku a Německu. A brzy se podíváme ještě dál.
Hodíme se k sobě?

Co nabízíme

Osobní růst
Smysluplná práce
Svoboda v práci
Férová odměna
Vzájemné uznání
Sportovní výzvy
Je to pro tebe to pravé ořechové?

Hodíme se k sobě?

Měnit nákupní zvyklosti a zlepšovat zákazníkům život je těžký oříšek. Takový úkol není pro každého. Je to náročné a i život u nás umí být náročný.

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